Who We Are:
The Saltair Community Society
The Saltair Community Society was first incorporated as a Federal Not-for-Profit, Non-Soliciting Corporation in August 2015. Their goal is to lease the former Mt Brenton Elementary School from the Cowichan Valley Regional District and operate the facility for the benefit of Saltair and Area residents. Effective in 2024, the CVRD entered into a 20 year lease agreement with the SCS.
The Saltair Community Society is committed to:
- Providing a suitable space for the use and benefit of Saltair and area residents.
- Promote, maintain and expand interest in the historical, educational, cultural, economic and recreational endeavours of the Saltair Community.
The Mission of the Saltair Community Society is to manage a common space for multi-purpose community use that provides opportunities for quality services and programs to enhance the well-being of individuals and strengthens a sense of community spirit.
- Affordable rental spaces are available for community, organizations, small business, daycare, cultural groups, family, educational, historical, recreational, and leisure purposes.
Major improvements have been accomplished since February 2016 by the strong effort of the Saltair Community Society’s dedicated local volunteers. Volunteer hours have made a significant impact on the condition of the building and helped reduce traditional labor costs.
Society’s Volunteer and Paid For Contributions:
The SCS pays for the operation, maintenance, and administration of the facility by revenue generated from rentals and fundraising. Facility operation costs amounted to $48,849.64 for 2023 and Revenue totaled: $64,343.92 – 2023.
Net proceeds of $15,494.28 is earmarked for 2024 facility improvements. Plans to replace aging sidewalks, concrete work, painting, lighting upgrades and the purchase of bicycle racks plus equipment upgrades is in the works.
All revenue generated goes directly into operational management and facility improvements.
Over the past 7 years the SCS has been able to upgrade:
- flooring throughout the hallways & offices ($22,000)
- refinish the hall floor ($8,000)
- build an accessible washroom ($12,000)
- Septic upgrade (13,000),
- Interior Painting ($7,000)
- Window treatments ($16,000)
- Landscaping ($8,000),
- Electrical improvements, ($10,000)
- One high -efficient natural gas furnace ($4,000) labor donated
- Natural gas line piping $650. Labor donated.
- Hot water Tank replacement and toilet replacements ($3,000)
- Custom cedar signage and lighting ($6,000)
- Street light ($2,500).
- Water main upgrade ($3,500),
- Parking lot line painting ($1,800).
- Two very large septic tank pump outs ($3,000)
- WIFI internet equipment ($3,000),
- Upgrade Fire alarm panel box (2,000).
- Yearly fire alarm and safety inspection ($700. Per year).
- 3 Student Bursaries $1500. Per year.
- $500 donation to Halloween Event per year.
- Foodbank donation $500/yr.
- Janitorial $5,000/yr.
- Custom fabricated exterior handrails ($4,000).
- Website ($2,000).
All administrative duties, rental management, and minor maintenance are provided free of charge by local Saltair volunteers. Hours and hours of their time is a tremendous monetary savings.
The building is owned by the CVRD and in keeping with BC Asset Management requirements the CVRD have procured a loan to cover capital improvements such as air conditioning and window upgrades for 2024. These major improvements plus the contributions of the Saltair Community Centre Society are key to the management of this valuable community asset.
CVRD Contributions:
The Cowichan Valley Regional District facility improvements to date:
- Initial start-up costs, funded by previous rent collected from ILM Daycare
- Entire roof replacement
- New thermal gym windows
- Gym interior tongue/groove pine ceiling install & spray foam insulation, gym interior painting.
- Room #5 remediation/renovation
- 4 furnace replacements from oil burners to high efficient natural gas heaters.
- Rental income from user groups
- Rental income from anchor ILM Daycare tenant
- Community volunteers
- Fundraising Events
- Partnerships and joint ventures with adjoining municipalities.
- Seedy Saturday
- Fall Market
“Working together makes Communities stronger!”